Tuesday, February 19, 2008


The fears found in the handwriting seem to fall into just a few catagories. Fear of ridicule, fear of failure, fear of rejection and self-consciousness which is basically a form of fear of ridicule. How these fears cause us to react though is many and varied.
Fear of ridicule may cause one person to be a loner and to focus on mental activity keeping others at a distance. While another person will channel their energy into ambition to be so successful no one would dare ridicule them. Another might be rude and nasty keeping others off balance so they don't have time to consider why they are being treated this way. Remember the addage "The best defense is a good offense." Still another might be self-deprecating in hopes you will leave them alone when you see they are tearing themselves down.
Also we may have a fear of loss of security or of rejection. The reaction here might be envy, jealousy, possessiveness, to be miserly or to try and acquire material possessions.

Friday, February 8, 2008


The space you do or do not leave on the left side of the page represents your past and your need for security. Is your left margin very tiny or about what it would be using notebook paper. A person writing with enthusiasm for their subject may make their margin wider and wider as they can't seem to pause long enough in their enthusiasm to go all the way back to the left margin. Each type of margin tells the graphologist something different about the writer.

The right side is the future so do you stop well away from it like you are afraid of what the future holds? Do you run crashing into the edge of the page and have to squeeze your letters together to complete the last word? Then you do not plan very well. Do you reach the edge and then turn up or down along the edge or do you place that last work under the line. In children learning to write and unsure of margins and word sizes this can be forgiven but in an adult they obviously have never learned from their mistakes.

The amount of space you leave at the top of the page tells how formally you feel toward the person to whom you are writing. The person who writes leaving a large margin at the top such as for a business letter has respect for the receiver of the missive. To a friend the margin may only be a couple of writing lines deep but the person who starts writing right at the top does not recognize bounderies or feels familiar enough to invade your space.

If there is a fairly large border all around the writing then the writer is one who can visualize and judge the amount of space their writing will take and adjust the margins accordingly.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

My mind has switched on...

Once I am awake enough to start thinking about my day I might as well get up because I will not get back to sleep anyway. At least Idon't have to do the presentation for AHAF after all so that is one thing off my list.

Thought of doing something on baselines but I did do some on it before. Different teachers and different groups say to measure the baseline differently. One method is to put a ruler under the first and last letter of a sentence and draw a pencil line. Then you can easily see if the writing follows a straight, bouncy, concave or convex line. You also can see if it goes up or down across the page. Another method is to measure the baseline of each word in a sentence. Some teachers claim you should take 100 measurements of a handwriting between the slant, the margins and the baseline. I don't know that I ever took that many measurements of a writing but the more you take when you are new the better your eye will get at gauging the slant etc without measuring. This is especially helpful when doing quickies for an event when you don't have the luxury of measurements. Indeed at an event you barely have time to contemplate what to say let alone to take measurements and weigh traits against each other. However, if words start at the baseline and go up so it sort of looks like each word is a balloon about to fly off the page the writer is having a hard time keeping his or her feet on the ground. Another way of looking at the baseline is from the lower zone. Do the lower zone loops come back to the baseline?If not then the writer is frustrated by something and does not carry out projects. It is a form of procrastination. Does the lower loop come up and cross the baseline in such a way that it cuts into the middle zone of the letter? There is a trauma to the ego involved here. We can't tell what just that something has happened. Does the lower loop come back to the baseline go thru it and into the upper zone? This person wants attention and may do good or bad to get it. If the lower loop comes back to the baseline or just above but curves downward they are able to complete projects etc but something in their life is making them unhappy.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Can changing your handwriting change your personality?

A definate yes on being able to change your personality through handwriting but with a big caveate. Changes should be done one at a time for up to 30 days. As they say it takes at least 21 days to change a habit.
Did you know your personality is set before you even learn to write? I have a resentment stroke that shows in my writing and because of its size my teacher and I figured it came about age 3 or 4 and involved my parents divorce. Now he was a great grapho-therapist who specialized in anarexics, bulimics and suicides. It is best to work with someone who understands grapho-therapy before you try major changes to your personality and not just any handwriting analyst will do.
One recommendation is to underline your name every time you write it even if you use your nickname. Why? Well, what do we underline? Important things, and if you underline your name it will subconsciously tell your brain you are important. The next most usual thing to change is the t-bar. If you normally connect your t-bar to the next letter (th, to) this is not something I would change but if you do not connect the t-bar then yes raise it to between 3/4 and the top of the t. Do not go above it. The t-bar sets your goals so at the level of the mid zone letters you live day to day with no long range plans. Half way between mid zone and the top is reasonable and reachable but go too high and you are fooling yourself into daydreaming about the results instead of working on your goals. In fact 2 things you should never try to change is your slant and your Personal Pronoun I (PPI for short). If they change as a result of other changes in your writing or because of your personality changes that is fine but forcing changes can make you very irritable and hard to get along with and may sabatoge what you are trying to accomplish.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Was I right or wrong?

Recently heard from a blogger (Logtar) and analyzed his handwriting and his wife's. He and his fellow bloggers had an issue with my saying he needs space to unwind and regroup. They all say he is 24/7 into interaction and input. Well this is his way of going into his own "little world". He is actually alone but not disconnected. I bet he has trouble turning off his mind to sleep with all of that input. Now I am waiting to hear what his wife says about her analysis.
My son-in-law who never had much interest in video games has recently started playing on-line and he is running into this problem. He has met people of all ages and from many places but he is not getting his rest as needed. Had a 3 day weekend and by Mon when he had to go to work again looked like he had a bad hang-over when it was just lack of sleep. I know I have learned not to play on pogo just before bed or I even play in my sleep. My solution has become to watch a home improvement show just before switching off the lights. Nothing exciting and I learn something then switch off the light and watch my starry ceiling (my part-time business) and in minutes I am out for the night. Grapho-therapy would work but I prefer my stars.