Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Jim Carrie has made some weird painting on all sorts of subjects lately but with the picture of Sen. Cruz he was so emotional he wrote all over it. His handwriting goes along with his paintings frenetic and out of control. His thoughts are scattered and do not connect well if at all.
The baseline is the line writing sits upon we term it the line of reality. Some graphologists do every word separately and others will pick the first and last letter of the line to draw the baseline.
Choose the first method and he can't stay on the line
Choose the second method with him and the a in greasy goes nearly through the bar of the a and the o, e of Joe are above the line. Same with the c, a, h of McCarthy and the second a in wanna-be is wobbly.
So we will look at his letters next. There is very little slant to his lettering so he doesn't give a damn what you think this is his opinion and he is going to give it to you. As can be seen by the normal writing at the bottom he prefers capital letters for printing. In writing across the painting he wanted it large enough to be seen but here his lettering gets 'funky' with lots of stabs into the lower zone (below the baseline), parts of the letters don't actually touch (this also happens in the words below), and his letters are all sizes. Each of these things in handwriting analysis tells us something about the writer. Most telling is his tall T, some stab into the lower zone but most of all the T-bar's are going upward and most are flying high above the T-stem. The T is considered a letter of the self so T-bars at the top of the stem are pride but go beyond that and it is narcissism or delusion. Now stabs into the lower zone are an attempt to anchor the self or stabilizing moves. Now I know he is from Canada but English would still be his language. Enlarged R's are found in the writing of someone who wants to be more than they are. To be seen as "special" and be well-known. His are large but not well formed. The E is an indication of how well they listen to others and consider other input. His are mostly small and disconnected so he has little interest in other's ideas. For the M we look at the 'humps' and the center. Printing only gives you two of these so it is seen as me and you. As you can see the me side on the left is much lower than the right and the right stabs into the lower zone. The center is expected to go to the baseline to show they bring their ideas to the line of reality. His barely dips. Meanwhile the W will indicate a few things about the writer and normally mirror the M. His do in that the left is shorter and does not touch the baseline and the right is stabbed. As with any letter that he made it has breaks or weird connections. Now the Y in printing does not show much unless it is disturbed but his Y is made with a V and a tail attached while usually they are made with one long stroke from the left to right or vice versa and the small side added.
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